Thursday, November 4, 2010

In one blink of your eyes you have missed seeing

It has been an interesting and illuminating few days.

It has been reemphasized in my universe that people are all the same. (Not boo-hoo, everyone is the same, uniqueness is impossible) In every social aspect, in all social groups, the core aspects of character and action are all the same. People do not vary from the repetitive social reactions. In every situation and every problem, the end result is the same. This is true within all groups and with all people. It is as if people are automatically situated to respond in only this way or that and cannot stray from this in any way.

And this would commonly be acceptable, but it gets tiring the second, third, and fourth time through the same reactions and the same questions and statements.

It would be much simpler just to replay the response the the first time, because the reaction to this response will be exactly the same as the last.

It is only troubling when one wishes for realistic reactions or logical (instead of knee jerk) reactions.

It makes life tedious and repetitive, which is sad when there is so much potential for difference.

That is all.

"The river tells no lies, though standing on the shore, the dishonest man still hears them."
"Lightning flashes, sparks shower, in one blink of your eyes you have missed seeing."
-Oma Desala, Stargate SG-1

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