Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It might be better with a Goa'uld in my head, in some ways.

Hello all! It has been awhile.

This is simply because of the fact that I have changed very much since the beginning of this blog. And I am still realizing who I am now, and because of that I am a little weary of expressing myself to my loyal fanbase, who no doubt follows my every word.

However, I feel that all you small people deserve a post, so, here it is.

I am less hateful now, but more pessimistic. I find that I am beginning to see the good in people but also realize, like always, that they will let me down or leave me. It is inevitable. It is unpreventable. And it is unfortunate. But people are selfish, and I am far from the most pleasing person to be around or talk with. This is some my fault, I do admit that. But still, I like to believe that I would stay with someone to fully assess their personality and not just leave at the first thing I disagree with. Differences can be charming, sometimes. But others do not see it like that. Instead they see with only hate and the stupidity, and cannot overcome this to listen to reason or accurately assess a situation.

I wish I were a better person sometime. I wish I were smarter, stronger, less negative, less useless to the world. It is depressing, because I had always hoped for the best, but the I feel like instead of this I am only average. Only another fish, who swims with no meaning and can lose his life in an instant without another noticing, only satisfying the larger, better fish that ate him.

Adios mis amigos.
This is a song that expresses my feelings. . .
Greg Laswell, It comes and goes in waves

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