Sunday, September 19, 2010

I am nothing to you but Captain, and you, nothing to me but passengers.

Hello. Today we will explore the ever-fasinating world of male hormones. . . just kidding. Although, at times I would love to explore those (seemingly empty) minds. They seem to have no real rational thought process or logical reasoning  at all, (at least at a teenage level) but hey, who am I to question the thought processes of others (ah, how sad, the odd girl wants to know about boys).

Anyway, I have a (nauseatingly) large amount of work I actually have to do, but sometimes even I (what?? the great you?) enjoy spending time finding other less important (meaning totally pointless) activities to spend my time on. So, at this moment I am blogging, and later I will probably dedicate a large portion of my time to multiple pacings of the hallway or a few games of the historically facinating game of polar bowler (available on Gateway Games) Exhilarating, I know.

Ah, college life, it is amazing to discover the amount of time we have absolutely nothing to do. Honestly, sunday evening, and the best I have come up with (remember, I am very close to genius) is to blog to my 4 (thousand) fans.

But seriously, let's explore a topic. How about occupying a room with another? That sounds good to me (the one who actually matters) so lets begin.

In my case it is actually not as utterly annoying as it may sound (or seem) to some of you. I got off easy though, others I know have been expelled from their dwellings multiple times for. . . um, well. . for personal activities. These activities demonstrate two things; One, the less than active mind of young men (stupidity at its greatest) and, two, the clear selfish nature of the human race.

Now, there are those of you out there who may want to glorify this selfishness. (cough *males* cough) You may say things like, "well, this selfish nature is the key to our survival." And that, my friends, is bull. You and I both know it. Although I would love to have something to cherish or praise as part of the human race,(Ice cream, chocolate cake, democracy?) I am afraid anything that you try to do this with is also directly related with a horrible or humiliating standard amoung our species. (weight gain, nausea, communism)

Disgusted? Me too, don't worry, the stomachache inducing initial feelings soon fade to simple dissatisfaction. (followed by a drive to leap out of the nearest window, which you may want to try to ignore)

And as for men and the thoughts surronding that chunk of human nature, well, that may just remain a mystery. (And you may not want to waste your time, I don't blame you) *

But I am quite thankful for my roommate. She is quiet, rarely present, and easy to get along with. (sorry everyone else, life just sucks, doesn't it?) So thank you Jessica, for that much.

Well, adios copius followers! Tomorrow we will tackle the tricky topics of frivolous alcohol and drug use (which I am thoroughly and completely against.)

*I will add a stipend for those of you who do not follow this general ouline of "guydom." (those very few "good guys" who always fall to the wayside) You may see the altered logic and problematic importance of those "other" guys. Good for you, you are there to keep. Lovely, wish there were more of you, then we could finally have a decent society. (sort of) And please, continue with the hightened level of evolution, the women of the world will find you and cherish you, I promise. But honestly, you need to represent, because this summary (my lovely blog) is what the world sees now, so please, begin assimilation of the weaker of your sex. (Thank you)

"Sir," replied the commander, "I am nothing to you but Captain Nemo; and you and your companions are nothing to me but the passengers of the Nautilus." - Jules Verne, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

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