Friday, September 17, 2010

The (probably faulty) logic

Hello, Nonexistent followers!

So, I will start with a brief introduction. First of all, I realize that almost- well, not almost- literally no one will be reading this blog. That is fine, obviously I am not a person who desires dearly to relate to the general population (see blog title.) If you feel that need, lovely, go build a house for the poor or develop a way to provide inmates with more company in the cell they occupy. It isn't that I hate people exactly, it is simply that I hate to love them.

People, in general, are riddled with flaws. They have deep emotional turmoil, hardships, and complex social rituals, everything a young pessimist finds easily to eliminate the "goodness" so many people talk about. This is where I make my entrance.

It seems that the eager young collegiate would be open to accept the world, and that, probably, would be completely true, except for the fact that I, too, am a person and by simple logic am also riddled with flaws. Unfortunate, I know. But the real issue with my existence is the fact that I am pre-med. I will always be in medicine, and have always wanted to be in medicine. It may seem like a problem, but. . . .well, here, let me just summarize the logic (this will all pull together, I promise).

Ok, so, I hate the complex emotions and social aspects of humanity, however, I feel like there is a very important reason that we are here (no, not religiously, definitely not religiously) and this reason is biological, and evolutionary, and very important. See, I subscribe to the philosophy of science (big bang, evolution, etc. etc.) and therefore know that we are all entangled in a web (are you catching on??) This web is extensive, but the health and knowledge that we hold as a race enables us to exist in and take effect on this web. So, as a Doctor, I will have the knowledge to preserve and help the web exist as an entity. I will be helping everyone by assuring the continuance and perpetual place of the human race. Also, I may have a very small piece of "caring" in my feelings, although this is NOT something I will be sharing.

Ok, so that is enough random philosophy for the day.

Tomorrow I will talk about my decision for college and subsequent reactions here.

"he so immersed himself in those romances that he spent whole days and nights over his books; and thus with little sleeping and much reading his brains dried up to such a degree that he lost the use of his reason" Don Quixote, Book 1 Part 1

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